Young people's rights to confidentiality (see Sex, young people and the law)
Are adults and children entitled to the same level of confidentiality?
Yes, the Human Rights Act and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child both make it clear that children and young people have exactly the same entitlement to confidentiality as adults.
Can I ever breach a child or young person’s confidentiality?
Yes, you can breach a child’s or young person’s confidentiality but only where you believe (s)he (or someone else) is at risk of harm and where breaching their confidentiality is a proportionate way of addressing that risk (see Sex, young people and the law)
If I know a young person’s having sex, should I tell his/her parents?
No. Children and young people are legally entitled to confidentiality, even from their parents (see Sex, young people and the law). If you are satisfied the child or young person is not at risk of harm, you should maintain their confidentiality while ensuring they receive the services they need. If you are concerned that a young person may be at risk of harm you should discuss this with the designated person for Child Protection within your organisation (see Is it consensual, is it abuse)
Can I be prosecuted?
If I give a young person advice or support or (for instance) provide them with condoms knowing that they intend to have sex, could I be prosecuted for helping them to have sex (which is illegal)?
Not so long as you are providing support to try to stop them getting pregnant, getting an STI, to keep them safe, support their emotional wellbeing or provide appropriate sex education. You could only be prosecuted if you were supporting them for your own sexual gratification, if you were trying to humiliate them or if you were trying to actively encourage them to have sex. Health staff considering a young person's request for any medical or surgical treatment or procedure should continue to follow the requirements set out within the Age of Legal Capacity (Scotland) Act 1991.
Reporting to the police
But sexual intercourse is illegal under the age of 16. That means I have to report it to the police, doesn’t it?
No, it doesn’t. There is no requirement for you to report underage sex to the police. If you are concerned that a young person may be at risk of harm you should discuss this with the designated person for Child Protection within your organisation.